Monday, February 7, 2011

Did you know ?

    Many people may say that fast food isn’t healthy for our body. But then again many can disagree with this. Sean Steward said “There’s no such thing as wrong food.” ( I must agree with this statement, because I feel as long as you exercise it shouldn’t matter what you do put in your body. In the words of Lucretius “what is food to one, is to others poison.”  ( This statement is also true. Most of us don’t look at the health risk when it comes to eating fast food. The result of these actions is obesity is skyrocketing. The top 10 fattest states in America are:
1. Mississippi
2. West Virginia
3. Alabama
4. Louisiana
5. South Carolina
6. Tennessee
7. Kentucky
8. Oklahoma
9. Arkansas
10. Michigan
With all these obese people in this country, this makes us the eighth fattest country in the world. Shockingly most of the people, who are obese today, are the kids of today. Statistics shows 20 years ago 14% of teens were overweight but now this number has triple. This entirely means now 42% of teens today are at greater risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. “Man is what he eats”-Ludwig Feuerbach ( The statement goes hand and hand with the diet of America, because there is such a high percentage of obese people, it shows that if all they eat is fatting foods then they will eventually became fat.

1 comment:

  1. i'm surprised to here that the usa is the eighth fattest country in the world. I dont know how we ever got to that rank nor do i know why we would want to be there. every thing can change if we just stop being lazy. i mean we would not be so large if people just didnt eat and not work out or get excessive once in a while. i unde3rstand what is going on but i dont know why it is.
