Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is food ?

Blog family,
          What is food to you? Well to me food is everything and everywhere. The obvious reasons why I picked this topic is because I love to eat. I would say my favorite food is macaroni and cheese. What is yours? When I say food is everywhere I mean everywhere. It can be on your plate in front of you, in your garbage can, in your full stomach, or even at the store waiting for you to buy it and cook it! Also there is food all over the world. You could go to Thai land and find something you probably never taste before in your life. Or you could go to Spain and try something you thought you would never like .With this in mind, reading this blog you will learn about where food came from, how important food is to our daily lives, and lastly how to make certain foods. Well since you know why I love food, what is your reason? If you had a choice what do you prefer to learn when it comes to food? What are your top 10 favorite foods you like to eat? What is your all time, can’t live without favorite meal your parent made for you? How offend do you get to eat this meal? If I was to answer these questions I would say top 10 foods would be: 1. Macaroni and cheese, 2.ribs, 3.cupcakes, 4.chile, 5.chicken, 6.shrimp/crabs, 7.Chile Mac, 8.spagetti, 9.ice cream, 10.chocolate. My all time favorite meal my mom makes would have to be Chile Mac, this is because she doesn’t make it offend but when she does. I must say she puts her “foot” in it. Well until next time blog fam.


  1. Alright well from what I have read about you and I can see you really like your food. I mean who doesn’t love food like you said without it we would be dead. But Oh I need to swing by one day and pick up some of your mamas Chili Mac, because I love me some Chili Mac. Well I can’t wait to read what you have next. But oh my favorite food that my parents made for me had to be lamb chops mmm now it was so yummy you have to try it one day. Oh and I like the pic but next time you should fix it so the pic fits the post you get what I am saying?

  2. Your blog made me so hungry. I liked how you want us to answer some questions. My favorite food is mac-n-cheese too and then comes my momma homemade spaghetti and meatballs. I think food is amazing as well, but that is also because I am italian! Oh and there was two words that you spelled worng, 'chile' is chilli and you put 'offend' when it is suppose to be often.

  3. I think that you picked a good topic to talk about.Your the first person I met to write a topic about "food". I think that you giveing good and useful information . Now you can let people know about the different types of foods and not justs american but places form all over the WORLD.
